Monday, March 31, 2014

Pre-Project 7

Before ( Bottom )
After (Top)

What I did good:
I think I did good with the colour splashing in general and choosing which colours to blacken and which to keep.
What I could have done better:
Choosing the best colour to keep.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Project 19: Logo

What I did good:
I did good with the overall look of the logo I think. The colour and the font looks kind of taped together and a bit dirty which what I was going for.

What I could have done better:
I could have done better with fixing the little things like colour filling which I messed up with the 'G' if you look close enough

Pre-Project 6

Why  I like this movie poster:
- His eyes look like they're filled with emotion, which I think matches perfectly with the movie
- Simplicity
- text placement

What I like about this movie poster:
- How that bench is a somewhat big part in the movie 
- More simplicity 
- The photo and how it shows so little about the movie but then shows a lot after watching it

What I like about this movie poster:
- The characters are in the poster. But it doesn't look crowded
- Simplicity. Again. It's not filled or crowded looking
- The movie poster becomes a book cover later 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Project 18: Deer John; the shirt design of the century!

What did I do well?
I think I did well by creating a shirt/sweater I'd buy. I think it's pretty funny too.

What I could have done better?
Well before I made this, I had more designs in mind, but didn't know how to make it look nice, so I ended up abandoning the project. I could do better by learning how to edit photos better.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Project 17: Photoshop: Business Card

I think I did good with everything overall. I could have done better with neatness though and I guess font colour.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Project 16

I learned to mask layers using Pixlr and also how to use more of the many tools. I learned how to to use gradient tool some more and also the fading and eraser tool. I could have done better with the placement and how it looks in general though.

Pre-Project 5

How to create layer masking with Pixrl:
A simple example to create layer masking on Pixlr is the one I have on top. I used 3 photos and 3 layers. To mask them, I put them on top of each other, used the masking tool, and then used the gradient tool to show the parts of the pictures I wanted.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Pre Project 4

I learned how to edit photos by using the crop tool to get the right size, the marquee tool to select the parts of the picture I want to edit, and  how to use the layers tab to keep track of my work. I also learned how to use the pencil tool, the brush tool, and the other art tools included in